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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Donate Your Time!

Since the holidays are coming up, I am starting to be more and more in the giving spirit. I have always wanted to be able to use my talents for a greater good. One awesome organization that I hope to one day be apart of is Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.

I first heard of it from a good friend of mine, Kristin. She was a hospice social worker at the time and told me about this. This organization basically gets various professional photographers to donate their time to parents who have had a terminally ill infant or maybe even had a child that was stillborn. Basically it captures the few precious moments that the parents have with their child before they must "lay them down to sleep".

One day I hope that I will be able to have the opportunity to give of my time and give parents a priceless memory of their child. I would also encourage any of my other photographer friends to also check this organization out. I know it is not for everyone, but if you are also looking for a way to use your talents this might be for you.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the reasons I went back to school. My sister's baby girl was stillborn. The photos I took of her are the only things we have to look at and see that she was here and she was beautiful. I wish I had known more and been able to give her better pictures. It was a big motivation to go back to school so I can do a better job for someone else who is in the same position.
